Workers cottages, to coffee house, to reading rooms to village hall – this building has been part of Kingsclere since the 1700s. Gifted to the people of Kingsclere in 1921.
The building was renovated in the 1990s after falling into disuse. Recently, a length of leaky roof has been replaced. An energy efficiency project is under way to replace the inadequate heating systems, insulate the roof, repair and draught-proof doors and windows, and install secondary glazing. Disabled access and better kitchen facilities also need to be addressed.
How can I help preserve this unique building?
For a £20 per year you can become a Friend of Kingsclere Club and help us to maintain and improve this wonderful building for future generations. In addition, Friends will receive priority booking for events, an annual update of what has been happening at the club plus an invitation to an annual event about the building itself.
To sign up please contact our
0800 123 4567
My Company
Unit 1, Main Street