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Renovations Update

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The Energy Efficiency Project which as entailed new heating, insulation, secondary glazing as well as the refurbishment/replacement of out heritage doors and windows is nearly complete.

This project has been complex and fraught with all sorts of complications, but it was proved to be very satisfying to know we are preserving and future proofing a historic community asset.

The project has cost around £100,000 and been paid for my grants from the Greenham Common Trust, Basingstoke and Dean Council, the Headley Trust and the Four Lanes Trust. Own funds generated from the donations and surpluses generated at events such as the talk by Lady Carnarvon.

4 New heating systems were installed – that were sympathetic to the listed building. 2 gas boiler for the older main building and the toilet block, and 2 air source heat pumps providing heating to the main hall and the rooms rented by the local library.

As a result we have a more comfortable and energy efficient building. Indeed through energy efficiency measures. Indeed Our gas usage has reduced by 59% and electricity by 13% meaning that overall our uusage has decreased by 23%.

The timing of this project completing was most helpful because in recent years our energy costs have risen by a staggering 900%. We have also been obliged to take on the utilities formerly paid directly by the Community Librar

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